Frequently Asked Questions

What do you specialize in?

I specialize in nutrition counseling, intuitive eating, and behavior change to find lasting solutions for health and to help individuals and families have a healthy, positive relationship with food and their bodies.

I work with clients in the following areas, all from an intuitive eating/Health at Every Size perspective:

  • Improving body image and relationship with food

  • Eating disorders

  • Pediatric nutrition and picky/selective eating

  • Prenatal and Postpartum nutrition

  • Sports nutrition

  • High blood pressure, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease

  • Irritable bowel syndrome and food sensitivities

If you think I might be able to help you, but your specific concern or condition is not listed here, please contact me and we can decide if it is a good fit.

How does Telehealth work for nutrition coaching?

I provide 100% virtual services at this time. Telehealth for nutrition is great because it makes the whole process so convenient! It leads to better outcomes because we are able to meet more consistently. I use a HIPPA-secure video conferencing platform called Healthie to meet with clients virtually.

Why should I see a "Registered Dietitian"?

A "Registered Dietitian" (RD) or a "Registered Dietitian Nutritionist" (RDN) as we are now commonly called, is required to complete a rigorous Bachelor's of Science degree in Dietetics from an accredited university, match with and complete a competitive internship with over 1,000 hours of training and hands-on experience, and pass a national registration exam. In addition, he or she must stay current with the research and science by completing 75 hours of continuing education every five years. Registered Dietitians are experts in nutrition counseling and behavior change therapy, and are committed to meeting you where you are at in your journey. You can expect personalized, empathetic nutrition care that is grounded in good nutrition science.

Do you take insurance?

I am not accepting insurance at this time. For all insurance companies, I am happy to provide a Superbill with all of the necessary billing codes and information that you can submit to your insurance company after the appointment for reimbursement.